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Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Sexiest Car In The World

That's what James May, Jeremy Clarkson and Richard Hammond (along with the rest of the Top Gear Magazine team) had to say about the Fiat 500 the other week! I quote:"[The Fiat 500] has the allure of the wholesome and uncomplicated."Everyone, from strapping blokes to fainting flowers of womanhood, looks sexually charged behind its wheel."It works irrespective of age, beauty, wealth and position; even...

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

With Flying Colours

I took the Fiat down to Wallinhurst Garage in Billericay last weekend for its MOT and I'm pleased to say it sailed through, no problems. There's a bit of corrosion underneath which needs sorting out (no surprise there!) but nothing unsafe, so we're good for another year. Hurrah!The garage was actually recommended to us by a local classic car mechanic called Graham King, who always takes vehicles in...

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Happy Holidays

Apologies for the extended silence. I think I needed a brief blogging break after all the excitement of seeing a ludicrously quiet diesel-powered Audi win Le Mans. If they all go diesel we won't need our ear plugs next year!Unfortunately, the Lotus remains sad and lonely, parked up on a quiet side street...