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Sunday, October 31, 2010

'62 Olds Updates...

I made the first repair piece for the '62 Olds. This one worked better than expected, especially with the crease that fades away to flat. Test fits required multiple trimming, twisting, hammering and shrinking. And it finally reached this stage! The pictures below show the final shape, fit and attaching...

Sunday, October 17, 2010

1962 Oldsmobile Dyanmic 88

Timing has finally allowed me to get my hands wet again... well, dirty at least. The recent changes have put my old car religion on hiatus for months now, but this past Saturday I was able to sneak out.I have been wanting to paint the '62 Olds. It is a neat car, a sort of "gentleman's sleeper". It...

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Classic & Racing Cars, Motorbikes & Automobilia Nov 7th 2010

An MG TA Racing Car SpecialAn MG TA An MG TA An MG TCClassic & Racing Cars, Motorbikes & Automobilia Nov 7th - (Page...