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Sunday, August 31, 2008

The End Of The Roundabout

I note with some sadness that the highway powers that be are removing the last of the roundabouts from the A1, a secondary (though still major) dual-carriageway running the length of the country, from London to Edinburgh. Most motorists will rejoice at this, but not the Elan pilot.The only fun bit of driving from London to Newark on the A1 is the roundabouts. Without breaking any road traffic regulation,...

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Oh no...Oldsmo!

1962 Oldsmobile Dynamic 88. It's a quintessential Dad-style car. It's one of the "flagship three" of 1962; the best full-size roof design, as shared with '62 Impalas and the leaders of the pack: '62 Grand Prix. Now am I opinionated? Only correctly...! And I am daring to say that the Dynamic 88...

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Youth Crime: The Bane Of Modern Britain

I'm going way off topic today, but I need to get something off my chest. Liberals, stop reading now and come back next week when my mood has lightened.I am deeply saddened to report that some idiots of questionable parentage kicked in every panel of the off side of the Fiat and caved in the right-front headlamp, before battering the guttering with rocks and pushing it against a wall. About £2,000-worth...