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Sunday, June 29, 2008

A Different Angle On eBay Sales

I have been Following Greg's efforts to sell his car on eBay, and wonder how one venue like eBay, can produce such different results, to a wild degree of ridiculousness.One the one hand there is Gregs Lotus - a well loved, quite well kept usable car that one would think would sell reasonably well for...

Thursday, June 26, 2008


We have a new author on the Classic Cars Blog (AKA The Money Pit). Leslie is a blogger from the USA with a keen passion for classic and vintage cars and she has very kindly offered to write a few posts for this blog too. I look forward to reading her posts, as I'm sure you do as well!Leslie's own blog can be found here: Antique Cars Cl...

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Hard Sell

I have to tell you, I hate trading cars privately. It is a necessary evil, since forecourt dealerships are such a rip-off in this country, but it's not a pleasant business. It is a world full of sharks.Everyone thinks it is acceptable to haggle the price of a car and you end up in a Catch 22 situation. You put your car up for several hundred pounds more that you actually want, to account for the inevitable,...

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

At The Auction

Well, in spite of my pessimistic post about the British summer (which isn't exactly stunning, but not as bad as it could be) I have actually spent most of the last week driving the Lotus to work. This is an absolute pleasure, which makes it even more painful to see the poor girl listed on eBay.I have really mixed feelings. In a funny sort of a way, even though I've been trying to sell her for ages,...

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Wasn't Summer Nice?

That's all folks. Here in England we had two weeks of beautiful sunshine in May. That was summer. And you know what? The Lotus was out of action throughout, on the ramp in Barry Ely's workshop. *sigh*I just got her back with another punishing bill for leaving her standing for half of the winter. When will I learn? The story goes like this:Some time in late January (I think) was the last time the Lotus...