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Thursday, July 26, 2007

Citroen's Future Car Comes Of Age

For some time now I've been fascinated by the Citroen DS. Clarkson once remarked what a shame it is Citroen no longer make their trademark "crazy big cars" and I'm inclined to agree.My boss in my first full time job after uni, an architect called Mark, was a DS nut. He didn't have one any more, preferring...

Friday, July 6, 2007

The new, new Fiat 500

So it has been launched. What started off as an industry rumour has ended up a finished product. According to Fiat CEO, Sergio Marchionne, "the new Fiat 500 will be the iPod of cars". I hope so. These relaunches of classic models have been a mixed affair. The new Mini is a fantastic little car, but...