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Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Drive It

Apparently Sunday was "Drive It Day", and to quote Fiat 500 Club board regular, paul1947, "we are being called upon by the great and good to take our cars out and about to raise public awareness of vintage and classic cars".I didn't. On Sunday it was pissing it down with rain, and rain is not a good...

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

We Found It!

The garage! We know where it is! Hallelujah! There is a God!I'm going to map the garage sites of Epping (I now know every single bloody one) and post the map to the District Council, suggesting they make multiple copies and hand them to new garage keepers so other people don't end up taking a week to find their newly rented property!Still, it's a nice garage and a quiet spot. And we still have the...

Friday, April 7, 2006

Filthy Habit

Remember Uncle Buck's car? Every time he started the damned thing it billowed smoke like a factory chimney. The Fiat must've seen the movie too. They are exactly the antics it has decided to mimick to the point where it is really beginning to get embarassing.Picture the scene - it's a busy supermarket...

Tuesday, April 4, 2006

Garages - The Full Story

Look. No 'N'. I'm proud of me for breaking that vicious cycle. Now, I know I digress from the topic of motoring slightly with this (and the previous) post, but I simply must tell you how things panned out with the Council(s). And I strongly suspect the local paper would like this too.Now a garage is...